Q: When I unzip the database why am I not seeing all the files?
A: Because of the amount of files in the GoGoD zip file some unacrchiving tools struggle to unzip them all.
We have found that 7-zip is the best free program to unarchive all the files successfully. Click here to download 7-zip
Q: Can I pay in any currency or by any other means?
A: At present we accept payment only in US$ via paypal. As we acquire more experience we may add further options.
Q: What is in the download?
A: The download includes only individual sgf files. We no longer offer the GoGoD Encylopaedia, or the programs (our own or third-party) that can supplement the database. This is because the tragic death of T Mark Hall means we no longer have time to maintain these features. Note that the sgf files include games on board sizes other than 19×19. You may wish to delete the folders for other sizes if the program you use cannot cope with other sizes.
Please note that your purchase only includes the latest database. It does not include access to any future updates. New editions can be purchased twice a year, summer and winter.
Q: Is the Names Dictionary and New In Go archive included?
A: Yes, as of July 2014 we have included the Names Dictionary and New In Go as HTML documents.
Q: Why do I have to download the whole database every time, and not just get the latest games?
A: We constantly check the current games and do make corrections or add moves, and other data, as we aquire new sources. By downloading the entire database, you are getting the latest version of every game.
Q: Are the sgf files encrypted?
A: No. They are all text files in simple ascii format. Our philosophy has always been to trust go players, and that trust has largely been rewarded.
Q: Are go games copyright?
A: We operate on the widely accepted (though strictly untested) assumption, based mainly on chess practice, that individual game records cannot be copyrighted. However, commentary data added to the records is copyrightable, and a collection is also copyrightable. GoGoD asserts its rights to any copyright that may apply. If you use selected games in articles of your own, we do ask that, as a courtesy, you quote GoGoD.
Q: Is the SmartGo version identical?
A: More or less, but as of Winter 2013 the non 19×19 records are omitted. However, the main difference is that the files there have been compressed and so are not easily accessible as individual files.
Q: Can I get a CD?
A: From Winter 2013, we no longer will produce CDs or alternatives such as USB. The only method of obtaining the database will be via download from this site.
Q: Are old CDs still valid?
A: In general yes, but we do quite extensively update and correct existing games as we acquire new sources.
Q: Can I view my purchase history?
A: Yes, if you created an account. Click this link to log in Log-in here.
If your question has been not been answered above or you need to get in touch with us, please email us at: GoGoDonline@gmail.com